Grab a cozy seat and enjoy these interviews and Q & A sessions from the exceptional resources in the
Confident Parenting Collective and beyond!
I was joined by Stacey Ollivier, a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst & Behavioral Coach at Brave New Things Mental Wellness & Coaching, to discuss common misconceptions about ABA therapy and what to look for in a right-fit, compassionate provider.
I was joined by educational advocates Dana Emery of Reach Educational Advocates and Melissa Yelito of MY Advocacy to hear their tips and answer parent questions to help us prepare for all things IEP related as we head into the back to school season.
If your child has a diagnosis of ARFID or struggles with selective eating, be sure to scroll down to the very bottom of this page or click here to view the webinar "When It's More Than Picky Eating: The Complex Factors Affecting Food Acceptance".
I was joined by Certified Autism Specialist Tara Trievel to explore what behaviors parents may notice as summer draws to an end, what those behaviors may mean your child is feeling and how we can respond to them from a place of curiosity and empathy for a smoother result.
I was joined by Audiologist Dr. Goyne to learn what auditory processing is, how a disorder or deficit might present and options for evaluation, accommodation and treatment.
I was joined by Speech-Language pathologist Rebecca Robbins to learn how parents can navigate power struggles to shift toward collaboration with and cooperation from our kids.
I was joined by board-certified art therapist Mike Fogel to learn tangible steps parents, caregivers & professionals can take to create the positive cycles that make kids want to practice social and coping skills.
I was joined by Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Erin Brown to learn five essential things parents need to consider for their child/student, as early as age 14, to support a smooth transition to postsecondary education or employment.
I was joined by Dr. Lana Schapiro, a developmental and behavioral pediatrician serving families in the Greater Philadelphia area to learn more about her specialty and answer parent questions. 
I'm a mom on a mission to bring parents information and resources early in their journey through the special education process. To that end, I was joined by a panel of local, parent-recommended educational advocates to share their top back to school tips and answer parent questions. Thank you to the advocates for generously donating their time and expertise!
I was joined by Drs. Glanzman and Nissley-Tsiopinis of the Center for the Management of ADHD at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. They have worked for years to help children with ADHD and executive functioning challenges succeed. They have recently conducted a comprehensive review of this field in order to provide up-to-date information on this topic to parents and educators.
In this talk, they present a portion of the information that they have gathered, with a focus on what parents need to know to help their children succeed including:
• Information about what executive functioning deficits are and how they impact children.
• Strategies and principles parents can use to teach their children executive functioning skills
• Interventions that may help our brains function more efficiently and thereby improve executive functions indirectly
This project and presentation are the result of a generous donation from Jane Zolot, Judy Nissenbaum, Lisa Maslow, and the Yetta Deitch Novotny Charitable Trust
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